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Gillian Goldrich

My rings are less than traditional although my engagement ring was a diamond we chose together. When Jack and I decided to get married he asked me what I wanted to do for a wedding ring and that was how it all came about....

Our first Christmas together Jack has given me a Claddagh (traditional Irish wedding ring. For those of you that do no know the tradition - you wear it on the right hand with the heart facing out if you are available, on the right facing in if you are dating, on the left facing out if you are engaged and left facing in if you are married. Anyway my answer was that I wanted to use the Claddagh as my wedding ring. I wanted to cut out the gold heart and replace it with a heart shaped diamond so we went to a Jeweler and designed the orginal ring as a wrap over. We cut out the heart, ordered a heart shaped solitare as an engagement ring and had the other ring made as a wrap to go over it. I love my ring and I get many compliments on it as no one has ever seen one like it. It is really special to us as we made it our very own!

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